What Training Do I Need?
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states that ALL staff must be given instruction on what to do in the case of fire.
The level of training will vary dependant on your work sector, the size and layout of your building, the number of employees and the staff turnover. The following information should assist you in determining what you need to put in place to satisfy the law.
When first employed all staff should be given basic information on what they are expected to do in the event of a fire, this should be given on induction when first employed.
For example in a simple office it might be telling them:
- Where all the exits are
- Where the assembly points are
- Who the wardens are
- What they should do when the alarm sounds (i.e. leave via their nearest safe exit), and that they should not attempt to fight any fire unless they have received formal training.
For larger buildings and certainly for different types of environment where there may be a higher fire risk or risk to persons, proper training should be undertaken. Care and nursing homes are a known high-risk environment. The simple mistakes made at Rose Park Care Home in Scotland that caused the deaths of 14 residents in 2004 illustrate this.
You should keep records of all training undertaken within your premises.
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